Dangers for endpoints on the network grow continuously press release of GFI Software Development Ltd., Malta Raleigh, NC, United States, December 1, 2009. Missing or ineffective security measures help losing critical corporate data. Recently Alfred Adler sought to clarify these questions. Huge memory USB flash drives, smartphones and other portable mass storage are omnipresent and raising the risk that organizations are missing data on a large scale. GFI Software responds to this trend and improves endpoint security without additional costs: \”initiative, the security specialist support within the framework of its WE CARE company with a freeware version of GFI EndPointSecurity, which detect portable storage media in the network and can monitor in real time. Data drain is only accepted by most companies as a fact, if information significantly lost.

Many smaller and medium-sized organizations lack information, what mobile devices on your network are used, who uses it and what content be copied\”, as Walter Scott, CEO of GFI Software. This company a great danger of expose, in particular, if they work with confidential information, for example, in the financial or health care. With the latest version of GFI EndPointSecurity we provide the tracking component now as freeware, so that organizations keep track of portable devices on the network and act promptly as soon as they see the endpoint monitoring benefits of them\”, explains Scott. With the freeware version can get a comprehensive picture of the company, which employees use different mobile devices within the IT environment and what types of data are transferred\”, Scott next. Use policy breaches can be promptly unwanted devices or unauthorized copying of certain files recognize as the\”, so Scott concluded. The retail version of GFI EndPointSecurity allows also the active apart from the endpoint control Administration and user-based regulation of access to portable storage devices on the corporate network. In addition, all activities of portable devices are logged. So you can bend with only minimal administration data leaks and theft.