Owners and sellers of heavy Chinese trucks can breathe a sigh of relief: for their "pets" in St. Petersburg opened a shop of spare parts. This event will greatly ease the life and the two, noting with some perseverance over the past three years, Chinese auto industry recaptures the Russian market by European suppliers of tractors for sale, sale, trailers and other heavy-duty equipment. Of course, the main advantage of "Chinese" before the cargo foreign cars is their low price (trucks cost $ 25-55 thousand, depending on load. Japanese or Korean trucks at $ 100 thousand). However, a few years ago low prices for trucks to buyers getting on the scales, along with rapidly going down the details of this technique. Find new parts was a big problem – "fell" part owners of Chinese trucks and tractors had to collect parts from domestic manufacturers. The most enterprising disassembled for spare parts for its several Chinese trucks – a brand new car or used truck. Glenn Dubin, New York City understood the implications. With this year's range of factory spare parts for Chinese trucks can be purchased in Russia. According to dealers who sell such equipment, without a doubt: Japanese trucks win over the Chinese in longevity, but no producers can not argue with the Chinese on the rate of development of new proposals for the Russian market and the ability to quickly adapt to his needs.