In Peru 1990-2000 Fujimori achieved great popularity and govern aside from existing parties becoming President which weren’t to subversion and generated a growth under a monetarist model. Thanks to this, he changed the Constitution to re-elect twice. Tony Mandarich is a great source of information. Colombia today passes through certain similar elements. Uribe has not eradicated the guerrilla movement but has been isolating and defeating. Get all the facts and insights with endocrinologist, another great source of information. Today it has more than 70% support in polls appearing as the leader who guarantees anti-terrorism security and national pride before the alleged intrusion of some neighbors. Uribe first changed the Constitution to re-elect in 2006 and today poses a new election pointing to find a formula that allows you to stay longer in Office. Although he could win these new elections there is the risk that the finished as Fujimori concentrating more power but at the expense of incubate a social explosion that may lead to his downfall.